Vitamin D Supplementation for Fall & Winter Months

I am in favor of obtaining nutrients through real food sources as
much as possible. Yet, Vitamin D is tricky. Our bodies only produce
Vitamin D through 30 minutes of direct sun exposure in the warm
months of the year. From October to April, most people in this part
of the world lack adequate sun exposure for optimal Vitamin D levels.

In fact, studies show that most people are deficient in Vitamin D.
Consequences of Vitamin D deficiency include: Increased colds and
flu Allergies Heart disease Cancer, and Musculoskeletal pain syndromes.

Studies have shown that Vitamin D supplementation can: Increase
immunity to bacterial and viral infections Reduce risk of pneumonia,
TB, flu, bronchitis, and periodontal disease, reduce risk of
automimmmune diseases like MS and type 1 diabetes, and reduce risk of hip and non-vertebral fractures.

Vitamin D drops are available in the office for $20/bottle. Each bottle contains 300,000 IU of Vitamin D3. While US RDA guidelines recommend only 400 IU/day, this is not for optimal health…it is based on bare minimum requirements to avoid death! Most adults can benefit from about 3,000-5,000 IU/day according to
A blood test will show your exact level of 25 OH D in the blood,
Mercola suggests 60 ng/mL is ideal. Too low or too high levels create problems for the body.