October 2018 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Video: An Important Question to Help Your Health
  • Podcast:Clear + Vivid with Alan Alda – A Conversation with Eric Kandel.
  • Concerns with Tylenol
  • Halloween Office Hours
  • Recipe: Stephen’s Chili

Video:  A Question to Ask Yourself

In this month’s video, I share a question that helps us to identify and focus on ways to improve our health.

Quality questions can yield higher quality of life!


Podcast: Clear and Vivid with Alan Alda

Actor Alan Alda is best known for his role of Hawkeye from the TV show M*A*S*H but he is also a strong advocate for science. Alda has been interested in bridging the communication gap between scientists and the public, inspiring the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University. 

Alda’s recently launched the Clear + Vivid podcast in which he interviews people of all disciplines about their careers. In his recent episode with neuroscientist Eric Kandel, they discuss the powerful connection between memory and physical activity. 

Kandel shares that doing exercises with your legs releases a chemical in the brain that helps prevent memory loss.  

Clear + Vivid can be found here or on any podcast app. 

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Concerns and Alternatives

In his article “The Dangers of Acetaminophen“, renowned acupuncturist Chris Kresser describes potential issues with liver, kidneys, brain function, reproductive health and more. Kresser provides a list of good alternatives for tylenol depending on the reason for taking it the first place.

Another 2018 study, raises concern about how acetominophen effects sex hormone production in the body. “The effect of taking acetaminophen on sulfated sex hormones was roughly equivalent to the effect of 35 years of aging.” 

Drugs and surgery are excellent when absolutely necessary, but more conservative options are better first choices!

Halloween Hours: Closing at 4:45 PM on Wed. 10/31

The chiropractic office will close at 4:45 PM on Wednesday 10/31.  We will extend our evening hours on 10/29 and 11/1 to make sure there are plenty of opportunities for you to still get adjusted that week.

While on the subject of Halloween, would you consider doing trick-or-treat differently this year? The past few years we have given out little glow sticks, stickers, or Halloween pencils. The little kids especially love the glow sticks. Who really needs another piece of candy!?

Recipe of the Month: Stephen’s Chili

Autumn is here and it’s the perfect season for a hearty bowl of chili. Several years ago, my friend Stephen made this chili recipe and it quickly became a family favorite. Enjoy!


1/4 c olive oil

1 lb stew meat or steak, cut into smaller pieces

1 lb ground Italian sausage, no casings 

2 lbs ground  beef

2 c diced onions

1 yellow pepper, diced

1 red pepper, diced

1/2 c red wine, such as Chianti, Merlot

2 can stewed tomatoes (14.5 oz)

1 can tomato sauce (29 oz)

2 tbsp tomato paste

2 tsp kosher salt

1 tsp pepper

2 tbsp brown sugar (optional)

2 tbsp chili powder

2 tbsp cumin

1 tsp cayenne pepper

2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

1 1/2 c water

* Garnishes: Shredded cheddar cheese, sliced green onions, avocado,etc.


1. Heat oil in a large pot and brown the stew meat on all sides.  Remove and set aside. Brown the italian sausage and ground beef. Remove to the same bowl as the stew meat.

2. Remove excess oil leaving about 2 tbsp and add the onions and peppers. Saute until tender. Add the wine and reduce by half.

3. Return the meat and any juices that have accumulated to the pot and add all remaining ingredients (tomatoes through red pepper flakes). Bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer and cook for 3 hours, stirring occasionally.