May 2019

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Video: Welcome Jodi and Michelle to our team!
  • Office Closed for Memorial Day
  • Chiropractic and “Salutogenesis”
  • Scheduling at the Office
  • Video: Pro Volleyball Player and Chiropractic
  • Movie: HEAL
  • Recipe: Macadamia Crusted Sriracha Ranch Salmon

Video: Welcome two new team members + tips on ‘how’ you are eating.

In this month’s newsletter,  we welcome Jodi and Michelle to the team! I also offer a few tips on ‘how’ you are eating vs. ‘what’ you are eating. 

Office Closed for Memorial Day

The chiropractic office will be closed on Monday, May 27th, in observance of Memorial Day.  

Chiropractic Adjustments and Your Chemistry

We know chiropractic adjustments help balance our autonomic nervous system and the result is our brain, our organs, our glands, and our cells produce and maintain an internal environment that promotes greater health.

Are you familiar with the term salutogenesis? We want to build into our routines activities and habits that ‘birth more health’.

  • Chiropractic care incorporates a salutogenic approach. Sociologist Aaron Antonovsky coined the term salutogenesis in 1979. It is derived from salus, Latin for health, and genesis, meaning to give birth. Salutogenesis, the study of the origins and creation of health, provides a method to identify an interconnected way to enhance well-being. Salutogenesis provides a framework for a method of practice to promote health. Salutogenic theory goes to the very essence of neurobiology. It has been noted that neurological processes (as well as anatomical structures) are remodeled by sensory input. These processes, collectively termed neuroplasticity, are operative at all levels of the nervous system.  Kent, C. “Chiropractic and Mental Health: History and Review of Putative Neurobiological Mechanisms.” Jou Neuro Psy An Brain Res: JNPB-103 (2018).


  • Our review of eleven prospective human studies shows substantial evidence that autonomic dysregulation precedes and promotes the development of multiple metabolic risks and disorders. Wulsin, Lawson, James Herman, and Julian F. Thayer. “Stress, autonomic imbalance, and the prediction of metabolic risk: A model and a proposal for research.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 86 (2018): 12-20.


  • The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is structural and rhythmically interfaced between forebrain, internal, and external environments, to regulate energy, matter, and information exchanges, thus expressing the biopsychosocial nature of the individual…In addition, autonomic imbalance may configure a final common pathway to increased morbidity and mortality from a host of physical, such as metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease, and psychological conditions, like anxiety or depression. Vigo, Daniel E., Leonardo Nicola Siri, and Daniel P. Cardinali. “Heart Rate Variability: A Tool to Explore Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Health and Disease.” Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update. Springer, Cham, 2019. 113-126.

Scheduling at the Office

We want you to know that we do reserve some time each day for appointments on the ‘same day’ so that acute injuries can be addressed quickly. With that said, it is always best to call early in the morning for the best opportunity to get into the office.

We are thankful for the growth of the practice over the years and we have some strategies to make sure our clients can be seen in a timely fashion. For example, if you refer a new person to our office, they may or may not be able to get a same day appointment as we do want to reserve times for current clients’ needs. We are still able to accept new patients within a reasonable time and appreciate all the kind referrals!

Finally, with the addition of Michelle and Jodi along side Shawna to cover the front desk, there will be more hours that you can reach us to schedule  with your calls, emails and texts (the text number is the same as your appointment reminder text messages… 513-717-1122). We are in the office before adjusting hours begin and will also have more coverage on the lunch break and Tuesdays to help you schedule and answer questions.

Pro Volleyball Player Uses Chiropractic Care in Training Regimen

In this video professional beach volleyball player Geena Urango discusses how she utilizes chiropractic care during both the on and off season. 

Movie:  HEAL 

Check out the movie HEAL on Netflix for an insightful video on the power of the body. A number of leaders in the health field are interviews in the film.

Recipe of the Month: Macadamia Nut Crusted Salmon with Broccoli

Get your healthy Omega-3’s with this delicious Macadamia-Crusted Sriracha Ranch Salmon from Nom Nom Paleo. The link also includes a video on how to prepare the dish as well as an additional recipe for Roasted Broccoli with Sesame Sauce.