May 2013 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

This month’s E-Newsletter contains information on gluten intolerance, a 21-day cleanse program we will be doing at the office, 4 super-foods derived from animals, and more. If you enjoy our newsletter, please take a moment to share with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn using the links at the bottom of the page.


Thank You!

Thanks to all who brought in items for our ‘Blessing Bags’ during April. We were overwhelmed with your personal care item contributions! In total, we were able to donate over 60 individual blessing bags plus many extra items to the Drop Inn Center downtown.

Do you know someone who would love to work at Thrive?

Jenna and her husband have a great opportunity in Dallas and they will be moving in the middle of June. I appreciate all her excellent work and please wish Jenna well over the next 6 weeks when you are in the office before she moves. We will need to find someone else to handle office organization, greeting, phones, payments, and more. The position is approximately 30 hours per week. Please contact us if you or someone you know is interested. Thanks for your help!

Join us for a 21-Day Cleanse in June

The Standard Process Purification Process was designed to help remove toxins from the body and to maintain a healthy weight. The EPA reports that the average American consumes four pounds of pesticides each year and has residues from over 400 toxic substances in their body! This 21-day cleanse stimulates specific detoxification organs in the body—the liver, kidneys, and intestines. With help from these organs, your toxic load will decrease, and your body will concentrate its energy on purification and weight reduction, if necessary. During this time, you will eat whole, organic, and unprocessed foods; take whole food supplements; and drink plenty of water. You will eat vegetables and fruit for the first 10 days, with select proteins added on day 11. By participating in this program, you may notice:

  • Weight loss, if necessary
  • Increased energy/vitality
  • Better digestion
  • Less bloating
  • Clearer skin
  • Shinier hair
  • Improved sleep
  • Clearer thinking
  • Disappearance or lessening of past conditions

If you’d like to join us in this endeavor, the cost for the supplements is $209. For ordering purposes, please let us know by the end of the day on Monday, June 17th if you plan on participating. There will be an informational meeting held at our office inside Revolution Fitness on Wednesday, June 19th at 7:00pm where you can pick up your supplements and all questions will be answered.

Office Closures for May and June

The office will be closed Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day. In addition, Dr. Pete will be on his honeymoon beginning Monday, June 3rd through Monday, June 10th. We will have limited special morning hours on Tuesday June 11th before Pete goes to adjust the Amish community in Adams County.  Normal office hours resume on Wednesday, June 12th.

50 Shades of Gluten (Intolerance)

The mainstream view of gluten intolerance has historically been relatively black or white – either you have celiac disease or you don’t. What Dr. Chris Kresser and other doctors now know is that celiac disease is just one possible expression of gluten intolerance; there are many other ways that sensitivity to gluten can manifest in the body.

Celiac disease is characterized by an immune response to a specific type of protein in the wheat seed and a specific type of enzyme in the digestive tract; however, people can (and do) react to several other components of wheat and gluten. This a problem because conventional lab testing for celiac disease and gluten intolerance only screen for these specific antibodies, so if you’re reacting to any other fractions of the wheat protein, you’ll test negative for CD no matter how severely you’re reacting to wheat.

Because of the limitations of current laboratory testing, most experts on gluten sensitivity agree that the only reliable test is a “gluten challenge.” This involves removing gluten from the diet completely for a period of at least 30 days, and then adding it back in after that. If symptoms improve during the elimination period, and return when gluten is reintroduced, a diagnosis of non-celiac gluten sensitivity can be made.

ADHD Diagnoses and Medications on the Rise

According to the CDC, nearly one in five high school age boys in the United States and 11% of school-age children overall have received a medical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These rates reflect a significant rise over the last decade and fuel growing concern among many doctors that the A.D.H.D. diagnosis and its medication are overused in American children.

About two-thirds of those with a current diagnosis receive prescriptions for stimulants like Ritalin or Adderall. Ted Gup voices his concern in Diagnosis: Human, stating that ours is an age in which the airwaves and media are one large drug emporium that claim to fix everything. Gup admits that his son, who died in 2011 of a drug overdose, was often known to trade his Adderall, creating a submarket among his classmates that mimicked the society in which he grew up – a culture where Big Pharma itself prospers from the off-label uses of drugs, often not tested in children and not approved for the many uses to which they are put.

4 Super-Foods The Media Tells You Are Unhealthy

Balanced Bites shares four animal source super-foods:

  1. Eggs – especially the yolks
  2. Liver – a great source of B vitamins
  3. Beef – from 100% grass-fed cows
  4. Lard – rich in vitamin D

An Ingredient for Success: Double Loop Learning

The most common response when organizations and people find obstacles in their paths is known as single loop learning, a mental process in which we consider possible external or technical reasons for obstacles. Less common but vastly more effective, is the cognitive approach called double-loop learning. In this mode, every aspect of our approach, including our methodology, biases and deeply held assumptions are questioned – which may lead to fresh ways of thinking about our lives and our goals.

Most successful people – in business, entertainment, sports and the arts – all had similar responses when faced with obstacles: they subjected themselves to fairly merciless self-examination that prompted reinvention of their goals and the methods by which they endeavored to achieve them. From conversation with high achievers, these NY Times authors learned that challenging our assumptions, objectives, at times even our goals, may sometimes push us further than we thought possible.

Recipe of the Month: Curried Chicken Salad in Avocado Cups

This simple and delicious chicken salad recipe is borrowed from the paleo and lifestyle blog, Rubies & Radishes. The key is to chop your ingredients very tiny, so it may require a little extra time in the kitchen. It would also be delicious on a bed of arugula with a lemony vinaigrette!

2 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves – cooked & diced.
1/2 cup  mayonnaise
1/4 cup dried apricots, finely diced
1/8 cup dried cranberries, finely diced
1/2 a small gala apple, finely chopped
2 tablespoons chives, minced
1/2 stalk celery, finely chopped
1 tablespoon green onion, finely chopped (white part only)
2 tablespoons red onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon curry powder (mild)
salt + pepper to taste

1. In a large bowl, combine all above ingredients. Mix all together and adjust salt + pepper to taste!
2. Cut an avocado in half, remove the pit and top with chicken salad & serve!