June 2015 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Upcoming expansion to the second floor of the building.
  • If you missed our class on sleep in the spring, view the powerpoint link. Check out another article for tips if you work night shifts.
  • More good reasons to add or continue meditation in your routine.
  • Watch a video for simple ways to improve your posture.
  • Recipe of the month: Spicy Watermelon Salad

Expanding Services to the 2nd Floor at Thrive

We are excited to announce that later this year we will be expanding to the second floor of our building.

Massage therapist Kelly Nickel will move upstairs where she and her clients will enjoy more space in a quieter, private environment.

There will also be additional space on the second floor for other health and bodyworkers to join us. We will keep you posted on the progress!

The Importance of Sleep & Tips for Night Shift Workers

If you missed our class in March about the importance of sleep, you can access the powerpoint of our presentation here.

Since that class in March, we came upon this article with excellent ideas for night shift workers.

More Cool Benefits to Meditation Practice

In this article, Harvard neuroscientist Sarah Lazar describes the benefits of meditation. Sarah became interested in meditation through yoga classes and wondered if science could show any positive physiological changes with meditation.

It is interesting that people begin to feel some changes almost immediately when learning to meditate.

It is also encouraging that cool brain improvements happen in only 8 weeks of meditation,

Even better, five or ten or 20 minutes of meditation is beneficial. Like other healthy habits such as exercise and clean eating, the more you do it, the better off you are, but even a few days a week will improve your health.

Learn Three Movements to Improve Posture

Chad Walding, with the Sitting Solution, demonstrates three movements in the video above that will help you combat the negative consequences of sitting. You can do these movements in about a minute!

Recipe of the Month: Spicy Watermelon Salad

Check out this simple, easy and refreshing summer salad recipe for your next picnic or BBQ.