July 2017 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Video: The Brain-Body Connection
  • Office Closed July 3rd, 4th and 21st
  • Suzanne Singh Now Offering Appointments at Thrive
  • Regular Spinal Adjustments for Joint Health
  • Five Easy Exercises to Improve Posture
  • Recipe: Paleo Slow Cooker Thai Beef Stew


Video: The Brain – Body Connection

Check out this 2-minute video to see an update on my twins Viviana and Josephine and learn how improving the function of your spine with chiropractic changes the physiology of your brain and body. It turns out that better function of the spine and nerve system allows the body to move out of ‘fight or flight’ sympathetic mode and into a more relaxed, resting, healing state. PET scan showed the changes in the brain! The study below has more details.

Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic spinal manipulation for neck pain

Closed July 3rd, 4th and July 21st

The office will be closed for chiropractic appointments Monday, July 3 and Tuesday, July 4th. We will open with regular hours on Wednesday, July 5.

The office will also be closed on Friday, July 21st. 

Please inquire with Allyson, Chrisanthi, Kelly and Suzanne for individual massage or acupuncture appointments as they will have varying availability.

Suzanne Singh Now Offering Appointments at Thrive!

I am excited to announce that Suzanne Singh, LMT, NCBTMB, RM, CN is now offering appointments on Mondays on the second floor of our office. She offers a variety of bodywork services including Active Release Technique® (ART®). ART® is a patented, targeted soft tissue technique that treats muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves.

For more information or to schedule an appointment you can contact Suzanne at 513.827.0079 or visit her website.

Chiropractic Protects Against Joint Degeneration

This study from the Journal of Chiropractic Humanities discusses how a regular schedule of chiropractic adjustments can help prevent degenerative, arthritic changes in your spine.

Main points from the article include:

  • In animal studies, fixation of facet joints for 4-8 weeks causes degenerative changes and osteophyte formation of the articular surfaces with facet articular surface degeneration beginning at less than 1 week. Severe adhesion can occur in as early as 12 weeks.
  • In humans, adhesions can form without any clinical symptoms, thus supporting the case for regular adjustments without the presence of symptoms.
  • After 4 weeks of joint immobilization loss of neurons occur and become progressively worse. Joint immobilization can also cause muscle weakness and atrophy as well as fatty infiltration into the muscle. Spinal adjustments can restore proper motion, stopping any degeneration.
  • “Due to the neurological and bio-mechanical consequences of manipulative therapy, it is both logical and scientifically accurate that monthly spinal adjustments can prevent the progression of adhesion formation, joint degeneration, neuronal changes and changes in musical strength and recruitment.”

Five Easy Exercises to Improve Posture

In this article, Dr. Jockers discusses the importance of good posture and gives exercises to help work on or maintain proper posture.

Dr. Jockers shares that improper posture can cause unnecessary strain on the body, especially on the head and neck. When the curve of the neck becomes unstable, the head leans forward and can add up to 30 pounds of pressure to the neck. Loss of this curve inhibits the protection of the brain stem, hindering the communication of the nerves to the rest of the body. Bad posture can exacerbate or cause problems such as headaches, pain and weakened immune system.

By regularly practicing the five exercises described in the article you can iimprove your spinal and overall health.

Recipe of the Month: Paleo Slow Cooker Thai Beef Stew

Slow cooker meals help to keep your house cool during the hot summer months. This Paleo Slower Cooker Thai Beef Stew keeps your oven off while still providing a hearty, warm meal. The recipe created by Danielle Martin of Against All Grain and shared by Paleo Cupboard adds jicama for a delicious crunch. Thanks to our client Laura L. for the recommendation. Delicious!