July 2014 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

In this newsletter, read on to learn about our upcoming vacation time off schedule, some helpful follow-up from a Thrive family member about sunscreen, a video showing how easy it is to incorporate cat/cow and child’s pose into your daily routine — once you see how simple they are to do, an article describing the further benefits of regular chiropractic care beyond pain cessation, simple breathing techniques, and a great recipe. As always, please contact us with your questions, comments and suggestions.

Have a great month!

Office Closed for Vacation in early July

We sent this email out a little early for July so you will have time to get in for adjustments prior to vacation time! We will be in the office normal hours through 12:30 PM on Wednesday, July 2nd. We’ll be back and ready to go with regular hours on Thursday, July 10th.  While Dr. Pete is away, Kelly Nickel and Zach Franke will still be available at the office for massage and health coaching, respectively.


Wellness Mama’s blog lists good alternatives for homemade sunscreen – easy and easier – along with a brand that passed the Environmental Working Group’s test. Read on to determine which option will work best for you. Thanks to Audrey Coe for sharing such great information!

[Most of this verbiage is worthy of an encore to reiterate coverage options]]The key is being outside enough to benefit, but not too much to burn! Of course there are occasions when we may not be able to limit our time outside and need some help. Loose clothing and hats are the best choice. Sunscreens are another option we can use for prolonged time out in the sun. Unfortunately, recent press has highlighted concerns with both traditional and ‘natural’ sunscreens. It seems that some of the chemicals in traditional sunscreens can be harmful and that titanium dioxide, found in many natural sunscreens, may cause problems as well. Hopefully more research will help us develop even better sunscreen choices.

There are also ‘make your own’ sunscreen options using coconut oil as a primary ingredient. In recent years, I have used Dr. Mercola’s zinc oxide and titanium dioxide sunscreen when I need protection. In light of some concerns with titanium dioxide I look forward this summer to  experimenting with some coconut oil mixes as well. Do you have any sunscreen options or recipes that you would like to share? Please do!

Cat Cow Stretch

Squats are an often criticized exercise. Critics say that squatting is bad for the back and knees. It turns out that this simply is not the case. There are some folks due to previous injuries that may need to modify squatting, but for most of us we can improve our health through squatting. Check out this link to understand the three myths about squats that just won’t die. This article speaks to the benefits of squatting. Should you have questions about how to begin squatting for exercise or improving your squat form, please let us know and we can connect you with a trainer to teach you to squat properly and confidently.

In related news, squatting seems to be preferable to sitting when it comes to bowel movements. Check out this article.

A No-Soap, No-Shampoo Experiment

Julia Scott recently went a month without showering. Why you might ask? She was part of a trial group using a bacterial skin tonic from a company called AOBiome. The idea is to promote healthy bacteria on our skin that help act as natural immune boosters, deodorizers, cleansers and anti-inflammatory agents. It’s a fascinating concept but from Julia’s account it looks like the products need more development.

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Recipe of the Month: Chipotle Bacon Sliders

This is a delicious combination of flavors, thanks to Savory Lotus for sharing this easy recipe. Let us know if you like it!


1 large yellow onion, sliced into thin rounds
2 tbs butter, ghee, or coconut oil
1 pound ground beef
4 strips of precooked nitrate-free bacon
1 tsp unrefined sea salt
1/2 tsp chipotle chili powder
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tbs butter, ghee, or coconut oil for cooking burgers
1 ripe avocado
lime juice
unrefined sea salt
OPTIONAL: a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce
lettuce for garnish



Cook bacon to desired doneness then drain, chop, and set aside.

To make caramelized onions: Melt the ghee, butter, or coconut oil on medium heat.  Add onion rounds and saute slowly until golden brown. Push the onions around a bit to make sure they cook evenly. You can add a tablespoon of water if they begin to stick to pan. Mine usually take 20-25 minutes.
Mash together avocado, lime, and salt in a small bowl.  Add optional hot sauce for some heat. Set aside.


Combine ground meat, chopped bacon, salt, and spices in a medium bowl.  Mix to combine. Form into 9 small patties.
Heat 1 tablespoon of fat of choice in skillet on medium to medium high heat. 
Cook patties 4-5 minutes on each side, or until cooked the way you like.
Serve over a bed of fresh lettuce.  Top with caramelized onions and avocado.