Temporary Change in Office Hours

Temporary Change in Office Hours In

After closing the office for most of this week (3/24-3/27), we have set a new schedule starting Monday, March 30th:

  • MON: 8:30am–12:30pm & 3:30pm–5:30pm
  • TUE: Closed
  • WED: 8:30am–10:30am & 3:30pm–5:30pm
  • THU: Closed
  • FRI: 8:30am–12:30pm


Safety Precautions and Reasons for Availability 


As you all know by now, the Governor and State Health Department have issued a stay-at-home order. Healthcare activities, in particular those considered essential and necessary, are encouraged to continue responsibly.

As we have done over the past couple weeks, we are taking all the precautions recommended by the governmental agencies for health practitioners at this time:

  • Staff takes temperature before coming to work.
  • Screening patients by phone before arrival to determine no fever in the past week, no other signs of illness, no recent travel and no exposure to a known COVID-19 patient.
  • Staggering appointments to minimize the number of people in the office at the same time.
  • Sanitizing the tables after every person and washing hands/sanitizing hands prior to every patient.
  • Disinfectant wipes on all sink handles, door handles and surfaces.
  • Maintaining 6 feet distancing whenever possible.
  • Removed some chairs in the reception area to promote proper distancing.
  • Patients instructed to wash hands upon arrival to the office.

I would like to share with you some of the reasoning in why we are choosing to be open at this unique time. We are positioned to help take some load off of other parts of the healthcare system and free up doctors, nurses and supplies for the crucial COVID-19 patients. Consider some of these examples from the past few weeks:

  • Utilizing the Webster Technique, we were able to adjust the pelvis of a pregnant woman with a breech baby to normalize the tone of her tissues. Her baby turned head down and she will likely avoid a surgery for c-section at this stressful time in the hospitals.
  • Many patients would have found themselves at their PCP, an urgent care, and/or the ER with varying degrees of intense pain and radiating symptoms. We were able to avoid those other visits with chiropractic care.

Finally, many of you come for wellness adjustments. We know that the body works at its best when it is balanced and aligned. Chiropractic care builds better health via improved physiology and adaptability. The nervous system and immune system are intimately connected. Please do not misconstrue that chiropractic is a treatment for any virus or disease; or that getting adjusted will prevent you from acquiring any condition or disease. Rather, I am talking about positioning your body to be functioning at it’s best!

The stress and uncertainty of this time is a challenge to our good health. Here are some other ideas for you:
  • Eating very clean, plenty of water and eliminate sugar
  • Get outside for sunlight and fresh air
  • Sleep! Sleep more than usual right now.
  • Exercise
  • Meditation and/or Prayer
  • Connect (perhaps virtually) with family and friends
  • Help others 
  • Find the positives of what we are dealing with now. Of course there are a ton of negatives to this situation. There must be some opportunities or potentially positive changes that this virus has opened up for you. What are they?
  • Take action. Uncertainty is tough. Taking action (see what you can do on this list) will calm anxiety and uncertainty.

Do not hesitate to reach out with questions or help at this time! Be well.