November 2014 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Please note some upcoming dates the chiropractic office will be closed so you can plan your visits accordingly.
  • A 1-minute video to reduce the pressure from sitting too much.
  • An introduction to Kelly Nickel LMT’s hot stone massage.
  • An opportunity to contribute to Lighthouse Christmas gift items.
  • An introduction to our purification and cleansing program which we will do as a group in January 2015.
  • An article explaining the best and worst types of cookware.
  • Recipe of the Month: Haricots Verts with Chevre and Warm Bacon Dressing

Office Schedule for November

Please note that Dr. Pete will not be in the office on Friday, November 7th. For the Thanksgiving holiday, the chiropractic office will be closed on Thursday, November 27, Friday, November 28, and Monday, December 1. Massage Therapist Kelly Nickel and Health Coach Zach Franke as always, will schedule by appointment.

Video: A Stretch for Hip and Low Back Tightness

Watch this 1 minute video I made to learn a simple way to keep your hips and lower back from becoming tight and painful.

Most of us sit too much, and this stretch will help you keep loose, healthier and maintain better posture. Let me know any question you have on this stretch!

Hot Stone Massage Now Available with Kelly Nickel

Are you curious about hot stone massage? They’re special stones; specifically, smooth basalt river rocks high in iron content, perfect for retaining heat to loosen tight muscles and allow Kelly to better manipulate deep tissue. Another benefit is increased circulation through expanded blood vessels responding to the warmth.
Why not book a massage and see for yourself? Or purchase a gift certificate from Kelly for a loved one.

Lighthouse Youth Services: Christmas Gift Drive

We’re well into autumn and before we know it, Christmas will be upon us. We know there are many opportunities to help those who are less fortunate. Please consider this wish list from Lighthouse Youth Services. It’s an outstanding organization that helps children, youth, and families in need while promoting good citizenship and self-reliance. Your kindness and generosity would be much appreciated. We’ll be collecting gifts at Thrive and delivering them to Lighthouse on December 13th.

Purification Cleansing Program in January 2015

Are you looking for a kickstart to a healthier nutrition plan in 2015? Join us as we do the Standard Process 21-day Purification Program in January.

The purification program is designed to give your digestive system the nutrients and rest that it needs to heal and improve function. People notice everything from better energy, better digestion, and better sleep, to fat loss.

We will announce a date next month for an early January evening class to discuss the specifics of the program and answer questions. We will take orders ahead of time for the necessary supplements. The total cost for the program is $231. Make this program a New Year’s Resolution for 2015 and email or call us to sign up and get started.

Are You Using Healthy Cookware?

Check out this article on Chris Kresser’s website to see if you are using the healthiest cookware.

Recipe of the Month: Haricots Verts with Chevre and Warm Bacon Dressing

This recipe from Bon Appetit is a great alternative to the typical Thanksgiving green bean casserole and just as easy to make. Pomegranate seeds, or arils, are available in the produce section of most markets this time of year.