March 2015 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Join us to learn great ways to improve your sleep on Tuesday, March 10, at 6:00 p.m.
  • Mark your calendar to attend our Posture Class with special guest instructor Chandler Stevens on Saturday, April 11, at 10:00 a.m.
  • Learn how chiropractic normalizes blood pressure
  • Check out stand-up-desks
  • Recipe of the Month: Walnut and Rosemary Crusted Chicken

SLEEP: The Most Ignored Factor to Improving Your Health.

Join us on Tuesday, March 10 at 6:00 p.m. to learn how you can positively impact your health in a major way – simply by improving your sleep! In America we have a real issue with sleep deprivation. Most of us don’t even know it. We just know we don’t feel so great but we are not sure why. Often, poor sleep habits are the cause. Come to the one hour class and learn:

  • why good sleep is critical, and the consequences of too little sleep
  • keys to improving the quality of your sleep
  • awesome health changes to expect with better sleep
  • natural strategies to getting better sleep
  • discussion on posture and alignment while in bed
  • time for your questions

Please R.S.V.P via e-mail, or call the office. The event is free and you are welcome to bring guests.

Posture Class with Special Guest Chandler Stevens on Saturday 4/11/15 at 10:00 a.m.

Are you ready to learn some cool ways to improve your posture and feel strong, supported and comfortable? Click the above video for more information and join us at Thrive on Saturday, 4/11/15 at 10:00 a.m. for a class with special guest Chandler Stevens. Here is what you can expect:

For most folks, sitting is a fact of life, and forcing rigid posture is just as bad as slouching.What we need is a way to let the body reorganize itself to release chronic tension and strengthen weak stabilizing muscles.

To do this we need to speak the language of the brain: MOVEMENT. Once we learn a bit of this language, we’ll not only be able to HEAR the cues the body gives us (back pain, tight shoulders, etc.) but RESPOND in a way the body and brain can recognize and like.

We’ll draw from a number of disciplines: yoga, MovNat, Bones for Life, Barteneiff fundamentals to find simple solutions for poor posture and aching joints.

Please R.S.V.P. by email or phone to reserve your space. There is a $5 fee for this class, which will last about an hour.

Chiropractic & Blood Pressure

Millions of Americans have high blood pressure. There are many lifestyle and diet factors that contribute to high blood pressure along with genetic predispositions.

Blood pressure medications are one of the most prescribed drugs in the USA every year. Typically, once someone starts a blood pressure medication, they continue to take the drug until they die.

People are often surprised to learn that a 2007 study in the Journal of Human Hypertension showed that one chiropractic adjustment to the upper neck produced average drops of 17 mm (systolic) and 10 mm (diastolic) in the study group AND the change was sustained over 8 weeks with no adverse effects. Two different drugs would have to be taken every day for 8 weeks to match this change.

You may wonder, how in the world does an adjustment decrease blood pressure? Consider this from the study:

  • Poor alignment of the first vertebra in the neck is “associated with relative ischemia (decreased blood flow) of the brainstem circulation and increased blood pressure.”
  • Misaligned, subluxated neck vertebra “can injure, impair, compress, and or compromise BRAINSTEM NEURAL PATHWAYS.”

Neural pathways in the brainstem are what regulate our autonomic functions such as blood pressure.

By the way, none of the people in the study were experiencing neck pain. The misaligned, subluxated vertebra in the neck did not produce pain, but was not in optimal alignment for overall health and function.

If you or someone you know is looking for natural solutions to normalize blood pressure, chiropractic can be an important part of the solution.

Firsthand Account of Standup Desks

Upon your arrival in the past few months you’ve undoubtedly seen Shawna’s new stand up desk. Shawna was curious to see how standing for more of the day would impact her posture and comfort.

Shawna says: “the adjustable sit/stand workstation has been great. The ergonomic chair is all but tucked away and forgotten while I have enjoyed an immediate increase in comfort and no longer need to work out any kinks from hours of sitting.”

There are myriad options available online, we went with Innovative Products Winston Sit/Stand Workstation to best suit our needs. If you’re interested, search around, there are do-it-yourself options for $50 all the way up to apparatus costing thousands of dollars.

Recent press has highlighted the negative consequences of sitting too much, so a standing/sitting desk can really help you address this issue.

Recipe of the Month: Walnut and Rosemary Crusted Chicken

This recipe from Cat at is tasty and easy. A short and simple list of ingredients and prep time deem it worthy of inclusion on your “Favorites” list.