June 2016 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Pediatrics and Pregnancy Seminar report
  • Patient Testimonial: No More Reflux for Zachary
  • Study: One Minute of Hard Exercise…
  • Do You Know What is in Your Sunscreen?
  • Essential Oils Class – Wed. 6/22 7-8:30 PM
  • 2016 Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen

  • Recipe: Italian Chopped Tuna Salad

Pediatrics and Pregnancy Conference Report

In May, I attended a continuing education conference in Columbus taught by Dr. Claudia Anrig, who literally ‘wrote the book’ on these subjects (see cover picture above).

It was a great weekend and I am excited to bring back loads of new information and techniques to share with all of you.

We use special techniques and styles to perform adjustments for both pregnant women and kids than for other people.

People often wonder why babies or young kids may need a chiropractic check up. Often even the best of labors produces birth strain, which can create subluxations and compromises on the baby’s neurospinal system. Things to look for include:

  • Poor digestion (vomiting, reflux or constipation)
  • Fussiness
  • Poor Sleeping
  • Difficulty breastfeeding
  • Weak Immune System
  • Posture Differences
  • Behavioral Deviations

Testimonial: No More Reflux for Zachary


At two months of age Zachary began vomiting after almost every feeding, sometimes seven to eight times a day. His mom, Emily, was breastfeeding and tried diet changes but this did not help his condition. After several pediatrician visits and medicals tests Zachary’s parents were told he had severe reflux. The pediatrician said Zachary could grow out of it within six to eight months. Zachary’s parents didn’t want him to suffer any longer, so they reached out to a family friend, a chiropractor, for advice. Their friend was confident chiropractic care would help and suggested they find a chiropractor in their neighborhood – that’s when they found Dr. Pete.

Emily says, “After a few visits to Dr. Pete, Zachary’s vomiting improved remarkably. After four visits, Zachary never vomited at all. His appetite improved and he is growing at a better rate. He is a happy baby and a good sleeper. Dr. Pete was a natural working with Zachary. He was very thorough explaining both the issues possibly causing the vomiting and the adjustments.”


Study:  One Minute Hard Exercise Equal to 45 Minute Workout

new studypublished in
PLOS Onehas shown that working out quickly and intensely is equally as beneficial as a 45 minute moderate workout.

According to
this articlefrom the New York Times, the study split sedentary men into 3 groups.  One continued their regular routine, the second group rode a stationary bike at a moderate pace for 45 minutes and the third group did three, 20 second intervals pedaling as hard as possible with a two minute cool down between each interval. Both the second and third groups showed almost identical improvement after continuing their exercise 3 times a week for 12 weeks.

If you think you don’t have time to work out, doing a short but intense workout may be a great way to boost your health and fitness.

What’s In Your Sunscreen? Choose Wisely…

Now that the weather has warmed up, many of us will be spending more time outside.  The importance of wearing sunscreen when outside is well known, but do you know the importance of choosing the right sunscreen?  Many sunscreens are filled with harmful chemicals that may cause allergic reactions or are know carcinogins  Also, sunscreens with a high SPF have been labeled “misleading” by the FDA because they don’t offer any more protection than a sunscreen with a 30-50 SPF. 

To check if your sunscreen is safe, search the
Environmental Working Group’s
Sunscreen Database. The EWG will soon be releasing their 2016 Sunscreen Guide which will help you find the safest sunscreens available.


Oils Class: Summer Supply Make & Take on 6/22

Summer time is upon is, time for fun in the sun and lots of outdoor adventures!  Let Kristin and Brie teach you how to utilize the powerful properties of essential oils to protect your skin from the sun, keep bugs away, sanitize your hands and home and so much more! We will be making Sunscreen, Hand Sanitizer and an All Purpose Spray to take home.  All products will be $5 to take home.




EWG 2016 Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen

The Environmental Working Group has released their 2016 Shopper’s Guide highlighting the
Clean 15and the
Dirty Dozen.

Dirty Dozen focuses on 12 kinds of produce that tested positive for the highest amount of pesticide residue. For example, a single grape tested positive for 15 different pesticides.  These twelve fruits and vegetables are the ones the EWG recommends you buy organic.

Clean 15focuses on 15 types of produce that have little or no pesticide residue on them.  Only 1% of Avocados had any pesticide residue and very few of any produce on the list had multiple types of residue.  These vegetables are much safer to buy non organic. 

EWG website has a helpful printable downloads of each list that you can keep with you to help make the best decisions while produce shopping. 

Recipe of the Month: Italian Tuna Chopped Salad

As the temperature starts to heat up, why heat up your oven?  This no cook 
Italian Tuna Chopped Saladfrom
The Paleo Planmakes a great light summertime meal.