January 2016 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Join us, it’s not too late! Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program
  • Feature on Chandler Stevens, Movement Coach
  • Your Smartphone’s Effect on Posture and Mood
  • Understanding Low Back Pain
  • Link Between Energy Drinks and Diabetes
  • Recipe of the Month: One Skillet Paleo Mediterranean Chicken

It’s Not Too Late for 21-Day Purification Program!

Are you looking for a great way to ‘reset’ your health as we start the new year? Maybe you would like to:

  • improve your health, energy, sleep and nutrition.
  • lose weight
  • drop dependence on sugar or caffeine
  • improve blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure
  • join a group of people also making a 21-day commitment to better health habits.

Join us for the Standard Process 21-day Purification Program on January 5th at 6:00PM. We will go over all the details to insure your success.

The purification program is designed to give your digestive system the nutrients and rest it needs to heal and improve function. You will eat healthy meals throughout program (it’s not a fast) and also take several Standard Process supplements to help your digestive system. View my video for more details.

I will be participating again this year as I like to give my body a healthy reset to start the year. Last year around 35 people participated in the January program with great results.  Click here to read some of the experiences people shared with me.

We are taking orders now for the purification kits. The total cost for the program is $199 + tax. You are welcome to attend the class to learn more. Should you choose to join us we can order kits to ship to the office or directly to your house within a couple of days. If you are unable to attend the class you may still participate.  We have tips and advice  we can send by email to help lead you through the program.

Feature on Chandler Stevens, Movement Coach

Each month we are excited to feature another local person committed to helping people achieve higher levels of health and well-being. This month, wwe welcome Chandler Stevens contribution:

At the end of the day I’m obsessed with movement.  I help people who are frustrated with conventional fitness approaches move better, get stronger, & find freedom in their bodies so that they can get back to the activities they love: be it hiking, dancing, Crossfit, or Pilates.

Too many coaches & therapists treat the body like a pile of parts.  But when we look at how the whole puzzle fits together we tap into a huge reserve of mobility, ease, & strength.  Before we tackle our next race or our next PR in the gym, we need to improve the quality of our movement.  We only get one body after all.  We better learn how to use it.  
I offer a free consultation with a full movement/postural/joint health assessment.  
I also have an online course, The Whole Human Upgrade, that offers an in-depth holistic approach to physical education.  It is a big picture look at better movement, bringing together practical lessons in neuroscience, embodied anatomy, physiology & more.

Is Your Smartphone Ruining Your Posture AND Your Mood?

The prevalence of smartphones in our culture is causing a new wave of posture problems for smartphone users. An average adult head weighs 10-12 lbs and when we bend forward to look at our phones the stress on the neck is the equivalent of 60 lbs.  Often called “tech neck” or the “iHunch”, more and more people, even teens, are developing a curve in the upper neck caused by this stress. I see this in practice literally every day!

This posture is the same stance people revert to when depressed or scared.  It is an extremely common posture held by people suffering from chronic depression. However, as shown in this article from the New York Times, studies are showing that maintaining this posture while looking at your phone can create feelings of sadness and lower self-esteem.

In order to reduce the “iHunch”, hold your phone up to eye level when using it. Be mindful of how much time you spend on electronic devices. Be aware that the smaller the device typically means the poorer posture we have while using it. For example, it’s better to type your emails on your desktop computer rather than your phone. Utilize exercise, chiropractic, and massage to keep your body moving and aligned.

Finally, understand that the interconnections of body and mind are more significant than we thought years ago. As one of my teachers was fond of saying, “where does the mind end and the body begin…no one knows”.

Understanding Low Back Pain

Chronic low back pain is a common problem for many people.

In the study “Pathophysiological Model for Chronic Low Back Pain Integrating Connective Tissue and Nervous System Mechanisms” from the January 2007 “Medical Hypotheses” an important connection between connective tissue fibrosis and low back pain. Connective tissue fibrosis is the excessive formation of fibrous tissue.  For chronic low back pain sufferers there is a strong connection between fibrosis in the connective tissue and how their nervous system perceives pain.

Connective tissue fibrosis can be caused by multiple factors including abnormal movement, repetitive motion, and over and under use. Fibrosed connective tissue causes blood and lymphatic flow to be compromised making the tissue vulnerable to more injury during new or unusual movement.

Fortunately for those with chronic low back pain, connective tissue fibrosis is pliable and can be remolded over time, reducing or eliminating pain.  Chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, massage and movement therapies like tai chi and yoga can all help to reduce or reverse tissue fibrosis.

The Link Between Teens, Energy Drinks and Diabetes

Highly caffeinated energy drinks are super popular for teenagers and young adults right now. Unfortunately this combo of high sugar (or artificial sweetener) and high caffeine is really problematic.

A recent study by Calgary University shows that after consuming these drinks, even sugar-free varieties, teenagers had a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels. The high amounts of caffeine make it hard for the body to bring blood sugar levels down to normal.  This effect has been linked to diabetes later in life. The effects of caffeine can last 4-6 hours, so these drinks can influence blood sugar regulation long after they have been consumed.

Recipe of the Month: One Skillet Paleo Mediterranean Chicken

This delicious dish from Paleo Newbie is quick to make and quick to clean. It is a perfect meal for a busy weeknight.