February 2020 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Video: What can you STOP doing?
  • Office Closed Thurs. 2/27 and Fri. 2/28
  • Adrenal Stress Index Test Now Available
  • Podcasts and Articles on “The Pill”
  • Brene Brown: Assume Others Are Doing the Best They Can
  • Sale on SFH Protein at Office
  • Recipe: Roasted Quinoa Salad

Video: What can you STOP doing? 

Are there habits or routines that used to be helpful for you that you can let go of now at a different stage of your life? It will yield time for new opportunities and better health!

Office Closure Dates for February

The chiropractic office will be closed on Thurs. Feb. 27th and Fri. Feb. 28th.

Adrenal Stress Index Test Now Available

We are now partnering with DiagnosTechs Laboratory to offer an easy and painless home Adrenal Stress Index. You can pick up a kit at the office and easily collect your own saliva samples to send back to the lab in a postage-prepaid kit at any UPS drop-off location. Upon receiving the results we can customize recommendations for diet, sleep, exercise, supplementation and other lifestyle adaptations to help improve any deficits.

Even better, DiagnosTechs is discounting the cost of the kits 25% for the month of February so we can offer the test, along with our analysis and personalized recommendations for $147 in February rather than the normal $195.

The Adrenal Stress Index can be helpful if you experience:

Chronic stress and stress-related health conditions

  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Insomnia, sleep disturbances or difficulty waking
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Poor memory or difficulty retaining information
  • Muscle and joint pain or weakness
  • Hypertension

Why use the Adrenal Stress Index?

  • Saliva is the best method for measuring free, active levels of cortisol

Functions Influenced by Cortisol levels

  • Energy Production
  • Blood Sugar Regulation
  • Immune System Function
  • Skin Integrity
  • Muscle and Joint Function
  • Bone Health
  • Allergies/Autoimmune Disorders
  • Sleep Quality
  • Thyroid Function
  • Brain Function and Emotional Health

What does the ASI Panel Assess?

The Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) uses five conveniently collected saliva samples to assess cortisol, insulin, DHEA/DHEA-S, secretory IgA, 17-OH progesterone, and wheat gluten sIgA. Saliva is collected over a period of 24 hours, providing more complete information about your body’s stress response than a single test. 

What tests are included in the ASI Panel?

  • Cortisol: Evaluates stress response
  • Insulin: Investigates blood sugar control and insulin resistance
  • DHEA/DHEA-S: Determines how other hormones may be affected by stress
  • Total secretory IgA (sIgA): Evaluates the toll of stress on immunity
  • 17-OH Progesterone: Determines underlying causes of abnormal cortisol levels
  • Wheat gluten sIgA: Identifies immune response to gluten

Birth Control: What Is Best for You?

I am hearing from more women lately that they are turning to other birth control options (rather than hormonal birth control aka ‘the pill’). Every woman has a very personal decision to make on this subject.

My goal with this article is to provide information via articles and podcasts that can help you evaluate, or reevaluate, what options may be best for your body.

Ben Greenfield interviews Dr. Jolene Brighten on this podcast (or read the episode transcript). Dr. Brighten is a functional medicine naturopathic doctor and the founder of Rubus Health, a women’s medicine clinic that specializes in women’s hormones. She is recognized as a leading expert in post-birth control syndrome and the long-term side effects associated with hormonal contraceptives. She is a medical advisor for one of the first data-driven apps to offer women personalized birth control recommendations

As I was finishing the content for this email, I noticed Dave Asprey has a new Bulletproof Radio podcast with Sarah Hill PH.D. and also a transcript. I have not even finished the whole podcast yet but want to include it as a resource. Dr. Hill says:

Our sex hormones are part of the signaling architecture that our brain uses to create the experience of being the person that we are. When we change women’s sex hormones—which is what we do with the birth control pill—it’s going to change all sorts of activities in terms of psychological functioning.

Acupuncturist Chris Kresser writes on the link between the pill and depression.

My old neighbor in chiropractic school, Dr. Jockers, writes on post birth control syndrome.

Brene Brown: Assume Others are Doing the Best They Can

Research professor Brené Brown is a best selling author and speaker. You can even find her on Netflix. Check out this article where she asks if you’ve ever experienced one of these? 

  • Your client doesn’t ring you back, and you think they’re a time-waster.
  • Your friend cancels a bike ride, and you’re convinced they take you for granted.
  • Your sales manager loses an account, and you view them as hopeless.
  • Your colleague asks you to pay the bill, and you assume they’re a tightwad.

Sounds familiar? Then, it might be time to revisit the value of “assumption of positive intent.”

Dr. Brené Brown, TED top 5 speaker and author of five No. 1 New York Times best-selling books including Dare to Lead, says extending the most generous interpretation possible to the intentions, words, and actions of others sounds straightforward, but it’s a skill set that’s not easy to learn, nor practice.

What is the foundational skill of assuming the best in people? 

Answer: Setting and maintaining boundaries. 

What is the fundamental belief underpinning the assumption of positive intent?

Answer: That people are doing the best they can.

Sale on SFH Protein 

We have discounted the remaining SFH Pure Protein chocolate and vanilla flavors that we have in stock. Some of these products are good through the end of March 2020 and others through April 2020. Since the expiration is approaching soon, we have discounted the price from $45 to $30. While we will no longer stock these protein powders in the office, they are available online and we will continue to stock SP Complete in all varieties.

Recipe of the Month: Roasted Quinoa Salad 

This roasted quinoa salad has sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts with a citrus mustard dressing. It is served warm so it is perfect for cold days.