February 2017 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Sign Up for the Heart Sound Recorder Event February 21st
  • Heart Health Month: The Myth of Choleterol and Heart Disease
  • 100 Days of Rejections
  • Walk More (Often) at Work
  • Recipe of the Month: Slow Cooker Korean Grass Fed Short Ribs


Heart Health Event on Feb. 21st

In 1937 Dr. Royal Lee introduced the Endocardigraph which could evaluate the rate, rhythm, and tone of the heart muscle from a nutritional standpoint. This technology is now available in digital form, allowing heart sounds to be graphed via computer and saved. This allows also for follow-up tests and comparisons after implementing nutritional changes.

Read more about the rate, rhythm and tone of the heart here.

We will be offering In-Office Heart Sound Recorder Testing on Tuesday, February 21st from 9:00AM – 1:00 PM. The test is non-invasive, easy, and only takes about 15 minutes. At the end of the test we will be able to make recommendations for any nutrition changes and/or supplements to improve the rate, rhythm and tone of your heart muscle. Please contact the office for more information or to schedule a time.

The Cholesterol and Heart Disease Myth

This clip from the documentary “Fat Head” shows how researcher Ancel Keys manipulated data which falsely shaped scientific and cultural ideas about cholesterol and heart disease for decades.

Keys had information about diet and heart disease from 22 countries but only used a handful of these 22 (the ones that supported his hypothesis) to show that animal fats caused heart disease.

Humans started to gain weight and have more heart disease around the same time processed wheat and processed vegetable oils became staples of our diet. However because of Keys, experts stated that tgrains and vegetable oils should make up a large portion of what we eat.

Furthermore, as cholesterol has been wrongly vilified over the years, statin medications (cholesterol lowering drugs) have emerged to be one of the most prescribed medications on the market. Pharmaceutical companies and some doctors have convinced millions of people that they need to lower cholesterol levels to avoid heart disease.

I ma not a conspiracy theorist, nor against medication when needed, but most of you know that I will give you my honest opinion on health issues because I want to see you live long, vibrant, healthy lives. For 99% of us, statins do not help us attain our health goals. They cause more harm than good.

This study published in the Expert Review of Pharmacology shows how statins are not reducing heart disease significantly and how serious risks are minimized.

  • “Our opinion is that although statins are effective at reducing cholesterol levels, they have failed to substantially improve cardiovascular outcomes.”


  • “We have also described the deceptive approach statin advocates have deployed to create the appearance that cholesterol reduction results in an impressive reduction in cardiovascular disease outcomes through their use of a statistical tool called risk reduction (RRR), a method which amplifies the trivial beneficial effects of statins.”


  • “Your chance to avoid a nonfatal heart attack during the next 2 years is about 97% without treatment, but you can increase it to about 98% by taking a Crestor every day. However, you will not prolong your life and there is a risk you may develop diabetes, not to mention other serious adverse effects.”


  • “The adverse effects of statin treatment are substantial, including an increased risk of cancer, cataracts, diabetes, cognitive impairment and musculoskeletal disorders.”
    • My grandfather experienced both cognitive trouble (Alzheimer’s) and significant muscle pain after he began statin treatment. These issues never did resolve, as he stayed on the drug until he died. As a chiropractor, I see many examples of unresolved or partially resolved musculoskeletal pain which can be attributed to statin use.

Finally, it is important to recognize that the ‘game’ is flawed. So many of us focus on trying to lower our cholesterol levels without drugs. If we fail, just like the drug ads suggest, ‘when diet and exercise are not enough‘… then we choose statins because we assume that the recommended cholesterol guidelines are appropriate. We must re-assess the recommended numbers! Who determines these numbers? Why? Dig a little deeper as your health is worth it.

For more information on heart health and cholesterol, check out the following websites. The infographic listed below has some better ways to assess your heart health than just looking at your total cholesterol number:


100 Days of Rejection: A Tool for Personal Growth

Entrepreneur Jia Jang had a childhood experience with rejection that haunted him into his adulthood.  After discovering an online website devoted to “Rejection Therapy” Jang created a blog to document his own “100 Days of Rejection”. Each day he would ask a stranger a question that he assumed would be rejected.  In his enlightening and hilarious TED Talk he recounts his experience and how he discovered that the rejections were not always ‘about him’ and how the experience helped him take the risks needed to be a successful entrepreneur. 

Whether you are an entrepreneur or not, you will likely find his 15 minute TED talk video valuable and funny.


Walk More (Often) at Work

A new study shows that for people who work a sedentary job, walking for just 5 minutes at the start of each hour can significantly improve both production and mood as well has lessen hunger. This New York Times article discusses the results from a recent study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and and Physical Activity in which sedentary employees completed a series of tests and questionnaires to determine their health and mood.  The employees were then broke into three groups. One group worked for 6 hours without any interruptions except bathroom breaks.  The second group took at 30 minute walk and then worked for 5.5 hours without interruptions.  The final group worked for 6 hours but took a 5 minute walk at the start of each hour.  The participants then repeated the tests and questionnaires.  Results found that the two groups that walked had increased results but the group that walked for 5 minutes each hour had even more potent results. 

If you work a sedentary job, be sure to get up an move throughout the day.  It will increase both your physical and mental well-being. 

Recipe of the Month: Slow Cooker Korean Grass Fed Short Ribs

This Paleo Slow Cooker Korean Grass Fed Short Rib recipe from Nom Nom Paleo takes only a few minutes to prepare and then your slow cooker does the rest of the work.  It is one of my favorite crock out meals! The author suggests making this dish ahead of time as the short ribs release a lot of fat into the liquid and it is easier to skim off when the dish cools.