December 2014 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Please note some upcoming dates the chiropractic office will be closed so you can plan your visits accordingly.
  • Join us for the 21 Day Purification Program presentation on Tuesday, 1/6/15, at 6:00 p.m.
  • Put your soon to expire FSA funds to good use for future chiropractic visits.
  • An opportunity to contribute to Lighthouse Christmas gift items.
  • Check out the Partners & Links Page of our website.
  • How is your smartphone posture?
  • Assessing your values and goals for 2015.
  • Recipe of the Month: Rolled Pork Roast.

Office Schedule for December

Please note that Dr. Pete will not be in the office on Monday, December 1st. For the Christmas holiday, the chiropractic office will be closed on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, December 24 through December 26, respectively.

For the New Year’s holiday, the chiropractic office will be open a half day on New Year’s Eve, 8:30 – 12:30 on Wednesday, December 31, and closed on Thursday, January 1. On Friday, January 2 normal hours resume as usual.

Massage Therapist Kelly Nickel will schedule by appointment as always.

Video: 21- Day Purification Program to Jumpstart a Healthy New Year in 2015

Are you looking for a great way to improve your health and nutrition for 2015? Join us for the Standard Process 21-day Purification Program in January.
Click on my video above or read this document to learn more about it. The purification program is designed to give your digestive system the nutrients and rest that it needs to heal and improve function. People notice everything from improved digestion, weight loss, improved energy, decreased food cravings, more mental clarity, to normalized blood sugar and normalized elimination.

We will have a kickoff class at Thrive on Tuesday, January 6 at 6:00 PM. At this class we will go over the details to insure your success. We are taking orders now for the purification kits. The total cost for the program is $199. Email or call us to sign up and get started or to ask any questions.

FSA or HSA funds to use? Deductible met?

Do you have funds in a medical savings account that you must use prior to the end of the calendar year? You may purchase a package of adjustments to use in the future so you do not lose this money!

Similarly, many of you have met your deductibles for 2014 at this point, so you have little or no out-of-pocket cost for chiropractic for the rest of the year depending on the details of your plan. Call or email us if you would like us to check your plan and let you know your costs.

Lighthouse Youth Services: Christmas Gift Drive

Christmas will soon be upon us. We know there are many opportunities to help those who are less fortunate. Please consider this wish list from Lighthouse Youth Services. It’s an outstanding organization that helps children, youth, and families in need while promoting good citizenship and self-reliance. Your kindness and generosity would be much appreciated. We’ll be collecting gifts at Thrive through Friday, December 12, and delivering them to Lighthouse on Saturday, December 13th.

Explore our Partners & Links Page

Check out the resources on our Partners and Links page of our website to find local and online sources to help you with other

Be Aware of Your Posture While Using Phone

We spend more and more time on smartphones these days. Be aware of your posture, take breaks and limit the time you spend plugged in. Read more in the article here.

Are You Setting Goals or Resolutions in 2015?

I like to take time to reflect on my life and look ahead as the new year approaches. It is a great opportunity to assess my values and priorities and develop strategies to focus on what I desire going forward.

Some years ago, I learned from Dr. John DeMartini that what we spend our most time and energy are on our highest values. It is wise to know our highest values so that we do not feel guilty or as though we ‘should’ devote more focus to lower priority values.

Here are Dr. DeMartini’s seven areas of life that you may wish to assess and rank. What is your highest value? What do you wish to enjoy, focus upon, and achieve in 2015 in each category? How do you plan to do it?

  • Family
  • Financial
  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Vocational

Recipe of the Month: Rolled Pork Roast

Check out this Rolled Pork Roast recipe for a delicious holiday dish.