April 2020 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Video: What Are You Doing For The Virus?
  • Temporary Hours
  • Office Safety Precautions
  • Videos: My Girls Learn to Ride Bikes
  • Recipe: Whole Crockpot Chicken

What Are You Doing For The Coronavirus?


Many of you have called, emailed or asked in the office…

“What are you doing for you and your family for this virus?”

I answer the question in the video (3:44) above.

To sum it up, I am watching my focus and feeling my energy.

Focusing on the basics to build health and taking action to calm anxiety and uncertainty.

We are sleeping more. Naps on the weekend. Getting outside in the sun. Walking barefoot in the grass. Meditating more. Praying more. Reducing sugar even more than normal from the diet. Adults in my family doing Immuplex and Cod Liver Oil. Kids doing Cod Liver Oil for the Vitamins A and D and Omega 3s. (All these supplements available for pick up curbside/ in office/ ship directly to your house.) Whole family doing shots of beet kvass after dinner from Fab Ferments, who will deliver to your door and also can be found at Whole Foods.

Exercising with a focus on strength and quality movement with less emphasis on very intense, long interval training. Short HIIT a bit, but really trying to recover well and not tax the body too much right now.

Watching my consumption of news and stats and data. I feel good when I know just enough of what is happening; and my energy tanks when I nosedive into website after link after press conference after YouTube video. As I mentioned before, fear and worry impede immune function.

Reach out for help or questions. I am not saying this whole situation is not tough – because indeed it is – but I am asking myself and I ask you to be your best and meet this moment proudly.

Reminder of our Temporary Change in Hours

We hope to return to our normal hours very soon, but until then:

MON:    8:30am–12:30pm & 3:30pm–5:30pm

TUE:    Closed

WED:    8:30am–10:30am & 3:30pm–5:30pm

THU:     Closed 

FRI:       8:30am–12:30pm 

Safety and Precautions at the Office

As we have done over the past several weeks, we are taking all the precautions recommended by the governmental agencies for health practitioners at this time:

  • Staff takes temperature before coming to work.
  • Screening patients by phone before arrival to determine no fever in the past week, no other signs of illness in the past week, no recent travel and no exposure to a known COVID-19 patient.
  • Staggering appointments to minimize the number of people in the office at the same time.
  • Sanitizing the tables after every person and washing hands/sanitizing hands prior to every patient.
  • Staff wearing masks.
  • Disinfectant wipes on all sink handles, door handles and surfaces.
  • Maintaining 6 feet distancing whenever possible.
  • Removed some chairs in the reception area to promote proper distancing.
  • Patients instructed to wash hands upon arrival to the office

Twins Learn to Ride Their Bicycles

My girls Viviana and Josephine recently asked if they could make another video to send to ‘daddy’s patients’. This past weekend they mastered bike riding without training wheels and I asked if they wanted to share the videos. So, here they are. Certainly a proud parenting moment! Top video is Josie (0:19) and bottom video is Viv (0:17).



Recipe of the Month: Whole Crockpot Chicken

This easy recipe is paleo and Whole 30 friendly. There are only 7 ingredients!